Streamline Discord Applications

A Discord Application Bot that organically grows your community by reflecting its interests.

Through the use of Discord and Steam, AppBot allows you to check who is really applying to your Discord server before assigning important roles.

Easily customize your applications with images, gifs and videos, permissions and access with the Dashboard panel.

Invite Bot

Make your server stand out!

You can make each message unique with pictures, gifs, thumbnails and video messages

Edit button names and colors, add special roles based on applicants preferences on accept

Organize your community

The Steam API panel allows you to customize members experience of your Discord server straight away once the application is accepted

Customize the application process

Send response messages to channels or DM, assign roles based on applicant's choices with a click of a button

Control who can and cannot interact

Appbot allows you to set per app permissions, can also use it in combination with default Discord channel permissions