Setup Guide

  • Invite AppBot
  • Login in the Dashboard.
  • Select the Server you wish to customise the applications, by clicking on it in the left panel.
  • If it is the first time the bot has been invited into the server, you'll see a 'example' app. Click on it or create a new application through the button below
  • Before adding questions, is important to set the channel where the bot should send the message through which your users will be able to start the questionnaire and where the completed apps should be sent. This is done through the 'APP START'
  • Click on the top right green button to save the channels, then click the blue vertical button. The bot will send the message through which your users will be able to start the questionnaire
  • You are now ready to customise your questions, adding pictures, gifs, thumbnail to each one. Remember only media uploaded through Discord will be sent by the bot

Questions Buttons

  • Add buttons through the + icon. When a question offers buttons as answers, no text input will be accepted as an answer. The user will be forced to make a choice.
  • You can optionally set a role that will then be assigned - only once the final application is accepted - to the user if he clicked said button.


  • Remember that the bot role needs to be placed above any role you wish to assign at any final step of the process
  • For added security, no role with admin permissions will be assigned to the user on 'submit' and 'deny' events, even if selected from the dashboard


Why this application Bot?

Appbot is the result of a gaming community in which spying is a inter and intra game mechanic. Clans needed a tool with which to see at a glance who the users were, and if they belonged to other clans. Through Discord the bot shows the account creation date and in which servers (guilds) the user is member of. Through Steam it shows the age of the account and their most played games

Is the Bot free?

10 Applications are offered for free as a trial, to continue using the bot a subscription is required. This is due to operational costs and api requests limitation

How does the Steam question work?

The user must paste his Steam URL in one of the application answers. This is a specific answer which will be validated, so no random links will be accepted. Through the link, the bot can then make API calls with Steam servers. Note that only publicly available data is retrievable by the bot. If, instead, the user's profile is partially or totally private, the bot will display fields as 'private'

What is AppBot Premium?

The Developer offers a voluntary donation service plan for the Bot. By choosing to donate, you acknowledge that this is a voluntary contribution and not a fee for services or products.